Garden Dreams

Spring is in the air, sort of...  It is only 29 degrees and with the breeze feels like 13! Brrr!! 
But a girl can dream.  I have my gardening books out and have lots of plans to expand the back perennial garden and I've been looking at Pinterest for ideas that I can implement in the potential plan.

This is one I love!  Who wouldn't want some succulent coiffed sculpture in the middle of their garden?So Awesome!!!!

This path is simple and so gorgeous.  I love the textural look and color contrast.  Hmmm, can I make this work through the back 40 is the question.  I have some phlox that could easily be divided and propagated for a path...

I could definitely make this, once we cut down the huge pines to open up the light for our side veggie garden.  The hubby has big expansion plans for "the farm" this year!  Yum!!


                      This is so my style, a re-purposed headboard as garden gate.                                                              Love it!

A girl can dream, can't she?
  Ahhh, SPRING!

What are your spring dreams? - Cheers, Kelly


  1. I hear you on this. I can not wait to plants some flowers.Considering it is snowing right now, I may have to wait a bit. Thanks for sharing the lovely pics.

  2. The sun will shine eventually. Hang in there!


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